Saturday, August 16, 2014

3. What Type Of Hunny Are Ya?

Great news guys my mum finally big chopped today woooop wooop ! (Everybody congratulate her) I'm so proud of her, it took her hair damaging for me to finally convince her to even transition but today she made the big decision to big chop. You're never too old nor is it ever too late, as long as you start somewhere. 

Now lets get to the real reason as to why we are here!
Is you  a 3c,4a.4b or a 4c hunny? (just kidding). No but seriously, like for real for real. Do you know what hair type you have? do you know what your texture is, what your curl pattern is or why your hair shrinks the way it does? knowing your hair type is very useful in understanding why your hair responds to certain products and why it doesn't respond to others, it's also useful for knowing which hair styles are best for your hair. In this blog I'm going to help you recognise what type of hunny you are and give you a few tips on how to look after each hair type. I got most of these tips from

We were never taught these things, not many people are aware that you treat different textures differently. If not for Tumblr I don't think I would even know about the hair texture chart. I thought natural hair was just natural hair, yes I knew that everyone had their own texture but I wasn't aware that these textures could be categorised ( am I making any sense? ). Someone I follow (on Tumblr) posted a link, out of curiosity I clicked on it and it directed me to a hair chart and I was bloody amazed! so guys prepare to be blown away too.

Excuse the bad quality, I couldn't find a better quality.
This picture is so important so I'm using it any way. 
Amazing isn't it ? just compare your curls to what you see in these charts, obviously use the first chart because it better quality (don't worry I'm going to elaborate). I think in my first blog I've explained that I've had multiple textures in my hair before and I thought that was because of the creamy crack ( hair relaxer) however I was wrong. You see the way my hair is set up (was that funny... or nah ?) I have multiple textures naturally. A bit of the front is type 3c and the rest is a type is 4a. I also noticed that the texture of the front of my hair changed when I straighten my leave-out too much (oops). Because majority of my hair is type 4a, I tend to focus on that just to make my life easier  but when I do have time and the products I do the necessary treatment for my type 3c section.

As you can see the front
is different from the rest.

3C Type hair has expansive tight curls which are approximate the circumference of a pencil or a straw. The curls can be either kinky, or very tightly curled, with a large amount of strands densely packed together. Getinng this type of hair to blow dry straight is more challenging than for a type 3a or 3b, but a pretty blow out can always be achieved with patience of course.
  • You should always hydrate and repair curl hair with a moisturising cleanser.
  • A use of rich and nourishing conditioner is highly recommended to protect your fragile curly coily hair.
  • Use products that offer maximum moisture. creams, Shea butter and oils. Hair milk is also a great hydrating product. 

All type 4 hair is very sensitive/delicate which means it can break easily, extra care is needed. Type 4a hair has a 'S' pattern to it while type 4b/c is more wiry and has a zig-zag pattern. although this hair type is much coarse and appears thicker than the curly hair type, it is actually quite fine.

  • Use a cleanser to prepare your coily springy hair for conditioner or stylers without stripping all it's natural oils
  • use leave in conditioners to hydrate and moisturise your hair
  • finish your style with a pomade (a scented ointment applied to the hair or scalp ) or simply hair grease that preserves moisture.

Type 4b is tightly coiled, less defined curly pattern, it has more of a 'Z' shaped pattern. This hair has a cotton like feel. It is very tightly coiled or bent and very fragile, you mist take great care when working with it. Type 4b hair can shrink up to 75% of the actual hair length.

  • Use a heavy creamy cleanser to keep your coils healthy and moisturised.
  • De-tangling your coily hair should be an essential part of your hair care routine. De-tangle with a conditioner that has a lot of slip and your favourite wide tooth comb.
  • Seal in moisture and add shine to your dry hair fragile coily hair with hair milks and styling butters. Deep condition weekly to ensure strong healthy and hydrated coils. to intensify deep treatment ass heat.

Before I found out about the actual hair chart i always used to hear about 4c hair but I didn't know what it was or how identify it, eventually I noticed that it was always being associated with this type of kinky hair that seemed to be very popular, when i found out about the chart it all made sense!
Type 4c is composed of curl patterns that will almost never clump without doing a specific hair style. It can range fom fine/thin/super soft to wiry/coarse with lots of densely packed strands. 4c hair has been describedas a more challenging version of 4b hair. Some say 4c is identical to 4b except that the curls are so tightly kinked, there is seemingly no defintion. 4c hair can shrink more than 75%.

  • Limit your cleansing to heavy co-washing conditioners.
  • Use products like oils, creams and butters to moisturise and seal your coils.
  • Use heavy pudding and creams to help elongate your coilu ziggy hair.
  • Don't forget to deep condition as often as you can to ensure healthy strong coils (this is mandatory but I strongly advice it ).

Hopefully this has been very useful and it has also helped you in identifying what type of hunny you are. Of course there are more tips to what to do for each hair type but I didn't want to bore you guys by going on for ages so I kept it short and sweet. If you have any questions or any concerns please leave a comment below along side your email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. stay blessed guy.x 


  1. wow this was so interesting to read, I learnt something new today! x
